Friday, December 12, 2008

Music in Advertising

I find myself always being impressed by a movie company or even a game company of dishing out great trailers to advertise their products. It's not so much the clips that are being put together to garner interest from the general populace, but it's the music that goes along with those clips. It can bring out tension, sympathy, and a lingering emotion that can make you feel for the various protagionists (that's the way it is for me, at least). I almost didn't write about this because I thought it was a personal thing but I noticed that other people notice this as well. I'm talking about people who are not hardcore gamers or die hard movie enthuiasts but rather people who just have a passing interest. Below are a couple of trailers from movies/games that moved me in a way to get their soundtracks. Check them out.

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