Monday, December 19, 2011

Golf Cart Troubles

Wow. I already did not live up to the weekly post as I intended to. I'm only off by a couple of days so I think it's that bad. I was going to talk about the infamous investment banker and his scathing e-mail or the article I read in the university paper about about female students who become sex workers to help pay their expenses. But as of now, I rather talk about work and a couple of movies.

On Thursday 12/15, I got a huge sense of what my job really is. Prior to that day, I was told by my boss to prep for a donor that was going to come on campus and to expect to give him a tour. I researched the potential donor, made sure the golf carts was reserved, and the next day I dressed in professional attire to entertain our guests. Suffice it to say, things went wrong. The first problem was that someone else checked out the golf cart that we RESERVED! So after some negotiations, I was given a new golf cart. Upon reaching the cart, I realized that this particular cart is of a different model than which I was trained on. This normally would not have been a big deal...only that on the cart that I was trained on, the forward/reverse switch was on the dashboard and on this cart, that switch was nowhere to be found. I ended up turning on the cart and actually used my legs to push it in reverse and then I was off. I got to the rendezvous point to pick up my boss and the donor when I saw that he brought his wife and his daughter to the university. So preparations that were made for one person were thrown out of the window and I had to adapt to three people. When everyone piled into the golf cart, I gave them a tour but when it came time to go in reverse, I would make big 180 degree turns instead of promptly going to reverse because honestly, I DIDN'T KNOW HOW! I always got an inquisitive look from my boss but she rolled with it. As we were exiting a building to get back to the cart, I walked back to the driver's seat from a different angle and noticed the forward/reverse switch underneath my seat. WE'RE BACK IN BUSINESS!

So now, I'm driving normally and for the most part, things are good. Unfortunately, the weather was getting cold and the daughter had left her jacket in her car. My boss had me drop off her parents at an education building and I was tasked to take the daughter to her car to retrieve the jacket. Along the way, the daughter opened up to me and bluntly said to me that she knew that me and my boss were trying to get her parents to donate to the university. She said that it was pretty transparent. I got a vibe that this was a family that had the moniker: "Whatever daughter wants/says, daughter gets/is heard." This means that she can sway her parents NOT to donate which would ultimately screw me.

I try to keep things civil and get her to lighten up a bit and to my relief when we got back to her folks, she gave a glowing statement about the university and that I was a great tour guide (Whew). And then it rains...hard. We drop them in front of the bookstore, wish them well, and tell them we'll be contacting them soon. My boss pulls me aside and asks what was the deal with me and the golf cart. When she heard I didn't know how to go in reverse, she said, "Thank you sooo much for not telling me that during the tour." :)

I changed my mind about talking movies in this post. I'll probably go more into detail later on but I'll say that Mission: Impossible is a must-see and is a sight to behold in IMAX and also Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows was an enjoyable romp but as of this writing, the Dark Knight Rises trailer is finally released and it contains tragedy and a lot of it.

Take care..hope to write more soon...and all that good stuff..

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