Friday, August 10, 2012

My Take on the Dark Knight Rises

*This will be my only critique of The Dark Knight Rises. I fully believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I believe that it's okay if many people were not blown away by the movie or if they were downright disappointed. That being said, everyone is entitled to their WRONG opinion....just kidding.

There have been arguments back and forth about whether The Dark Knight Rises is a complete success or an utter failure. Because of the success of its predecessor, fans have been foaming at the mouth (myself included) to view Christopher Nolan's swan song to the Batman franchise with the hope that the franchise will go out with a bang. I was definitely the guy who followed the Twitter feeds, looked at the spy photos, and buried up every bit of info I can find leading up to its release. Now having seen the movie multiple times (you pretty much need to), I thought the movie was a fitting conclusion to Nolan's Batman.

I'm not going to talk about the movie in detail because at this point, it would seem redundant to almost any review that's out now. I'm just going to point out some tidbits that I found was pretty noteworthy. I don't think anyone was ever convinced that Anne Hathaway can pull off Catwoman or even if the character was needed, but in many ways she steals the show. Bane was a force of nature and having seen Warrior before TDKR, I knew that Hardy could prove to be a formidable foe for the Dark Knight. The audio was hit or miss for his voice but overall, I felt it got the job done. I will always remember that line: " you feel like you're in control?" What nobody seems to talk about is Christian Bale's performance. There was a lot of Bruce Wayne in this movie and he delivers in almost every scene. Sure, the Batman scenes are cool but at the end of the day, I felt that we experienced the trials and tribulations of Bruce. Bruce felt that Batman was needed and argued that anyone could be Batman. **

The biggest complaint I've been hearing about the movie sans plot holes and errors of logic was that this version of Batman didn't stay true to the source material. At this point, I feel that way of thinking is inadmissible because we are viewing an interpretation of Batman through Christopher Nolan's eyes. It feels like when the good canon is there, it's great. When changes are made, it's crucified. Do you remember in Batman Begins how cool it was that Batman's spikes were incorporated into his fighting style? With each incarnation of Batman, the fundamentals are still there but there are always caviats. If people are worried about canon, let them go back to the Schumacher movies. I personally think Paul Dini's Batman is the best interpretation of him but I know future generations will come to know a new incarnation. There's a generation of kids who feel that Terry McGinnis is the definitive Batman (if you don't know who Terry is, don't worry about it) or even Adam West with the POW! BAM! SLAM!

(SPOILER PARAGRAPH) Now for Blake. Blake is the closest we'll ever see to the dynamic duo of Batman & Robin. Throughout the movie, they traded information, fought side by side, and every now and then, Batman gave him orders on what to do next...which is pretty much the dynamic of the Boy Wonder and his mentor. People are definitely complaining that Robin should not have been his legal name but instead it should have been Dick Grayson or Tim Drake (Jason always gets thrown to the curb...haha). The name drop was for the masses. It's likely that outside of the hardcore comic fans, there are people who do not know the real names of our heroes. Do you think people know who Erik Lensherr is? How about Oliver Queen, Bobby Drake, Kitty Pryde? Here's an easy one: Who is Raven Darkholme? 

I enjoyed the movie. What seems to be pretty universal (at least, in my group of friends) is that it was a very cool movie that didn't top the second movie...and that's okay. Really...what could? I'm one of the few people that enjoyed Batman Begins a bit more than Dark Knight because it centered more on Bruce Wayne and his journey to becoming the legend.  What I do know is that we will NEVER get superhero movies like this EVER again. And as far as the ending is concerned, I liked it a lot. Few trilogies that are out there have good endings and I feel that Nolan gave a pretty satisfying one. The Dark Knight Rises is definitely a very dark movie that reflects on what it means to be a hero. Thank you Mr. Nolan for your contribution to the franchise. 

**The interesting plot hole I WILL bring up is Bruce stating to Blake that the goal was that anyone could be Batman. In The Dark Knight, Batman breaks up a drug deal between the mob and Crane (Scarecrow). In addition, he takes down copycats of himself who engaged the bad guys with guns. One copycat that is tied up asked Batman what gives him the right to do the crime-fighting and not them. "I don't wear hockey pads..."   Is that the only reason, Bruce? 

Sounds like a one-man show. :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Golf Cart Troubles

Wow. I already did not live up to the weekly post as I intended to. I'm only off by a couple of days so I think it's that bad. I was going to talk about the infamous investment banker and his scathing e-mail or the article I read in the university paper about about female students who become sex workers to help pay their expenses. But as of now, I rather talk about work and a couple of movies.

On Thursday 12/15, I got a huge sense of what my job really is. Prior to that day, I was told by my boss to prep for a donor that was going to come on campus and to expect to give him a tour. I researched the potential donor, made sure the golf carts was reserved, and the next day I dressed in professional attire to entertain our guests. Suffice it to say, things went wrong. The first problem was that someone else checked out the golf cart that we RESERVED! So after some negotiations, I was given a new golf cart. Upon reaching the cart, I realized that this particular cart is of a different model than which I was trained on. This normally would not have been a big deal...only that on the cart that I was trained on, the forward/reverse switch was on the dashboard and on this cart, that switch was nowhere to be found. I ended up turning on the cart and actually used my legs to push it in reverse and then I was off. I got to the rendezvous point to pick up my boss and the donor when I saw that he brought his wife and his daughter to the university. So preparations that were made for one person were thrown out of the window and I had to adapt to three people. When everyone piled into the golf cart, I gave them a tour but when it came time to go in reverse, I would make big 180 degree turns instead of promptly going to reverse because honestly, I DIDN'T KNOW HOW! I always got an inquisitive look from my boss but she rolled with it. As we were exiting a building to get back to the cart, I walked back to the driver's seat from a different angle and noticed the forward/reverse switch underneath my seat. WE'RE BACK IN BUSINESS!

So now, I'm driving normally and for the most part, things are good. Unfortunately, the weather was getting cold and the daughter had left her jacket in her car. My boss had me drop off her parents at an education building and I was tasked to take the daughter to her car to retrieve the jacket. Along the way, the daughter opened up to me and bluntly said to me that she knew that me and my boss were trying to get her parents to donate to the university. She said that it was pretty transparent. I got a vibe that this was a family that had the moniker: "Whatever daughter wants/says, daughter gets/is heard." This means that she can sway her parents NOT to donate which would ultimately screw me.

I try to keep things civil and get her to lighten up a bit and to my relief when we got back to her folks, she gave a glowing statement about the university and that I was a great tour guide (Whew). And then it rains...hard. We drop them in front of the bookstore, wish them well, and tell them we'll be contacting them soon. My boss pulls me aside and asks what was the deal with me and the golf cart. When she heard I didn't know how to go in reverse, she said, "Thank you sooo much for not telling me that during the tour." :)

I changed my mind about talking movies in this post. I'll probably go more into detail later on but I'll say that Mission: Impossible is a must-see and is a sight to behold in IMAX and also Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows was an enjoyable romp but as of this writing, the Dark Knight Rises trailer is finally released and it contains tragedy and a lot of it.

Take care..hope to write more soon...and all that good stuff..

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Return to Writing

It's been awhile since I posted on my blog so while the iron is hot, I'll try to at least make weekly postings. I completed my first week at my new job position at Cal State University, Northridge and the transitions seem to be going very smoothly. I work as a type of liaison for potential donors for the Social & Behavioral Sciences Department. In a way, it is my job to show them a good time on campus and to persuade them to give back. I seem to have a positive work environment and I look forward to building myself up within the organization.

Let's talk movies.I was fortunate enough to attend a movie screening of "Safe House." The movie starred Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds. Washington plays a CIA operative who went off the grid for 10 years and who was deemed a traitor. When he willingly turns himself in to an American embassy in South Africa, the CIA wastes no time to extradite back to the U.S. Unfortunately, various mercenary groups are after Washington and he is transferred to a temporary safe house that is run by Ryan Reynolds. His goal is to move up the ranks of the CIA but has been given multiple run-arounds. He is given a chance to prove himself by making sure that Washington remains secure. Things do not go very well. I like most of the movies that Ryan Reynolds has been in, unfortunately, they are not box office successes. If this movie doesn't do it for him, I'm not too sure anything else will. I wrote as much when I needed to write an opinion about the movie. In addition to me seeing the screening, I was invited to see the prologue of the Dark Knight Rises film. The prologue will entail the introduction of the film's new antagonist, Bane. As a Batman fan, I am quite excited.

On the games front, I started Gears of War 3 and have still spent a majority of time in the multiplayer of COD: Modern Warfare 3. I need to finish my novel so I can jump into the second book of The Hunger Games Trilogy. I have enough friends telling me to jump in. Well, this is a sizable post that I can start my come-back to the blogging craze. In the weeks to come, I intend to progress in my Spanish training, revisit the piano, and go through my pile of shame.

Oh, while I have the thought on my mind, I saw Cowboys & Aliens today. While it didn't live up to the hype I had for it, it was a pretty decent movie. In conclusion, it's good to be back at the university and I'm sure there will be more stories to come in the future.

Until next time...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

5 Things List

I'm bored. So instead of doing 100 questions and talk about oil spills, I wanted to write about 5 things that are pretty cool in my life and 5 things that suck. Everybody likes lists, right? Right? Right?

Five things that are cool.
The fact that I don’t have to go to class anymore is probably the penultimate thing about graduating. I always thought of class as that thing where a student tries to learn something temporarily to find a use for it permanently. Hmm…that was pretty good. I should copyright that. In any case, I always felt like I learned better on my own. Class made me feel like I was going through the motions. No more of that….
We are coming up on an onslaught of shows coming up that I will actually have time to watch them all thanks to no school responsibilities. Entourage, True Blood, Sons of Anarchy, Californication, Dexter (hopefully), Burn Notice, the list goes on. It also gives my instant streaming of Netflix the proper workout it deserves. After the disappointing series finale of Lost (yes people, it sucked), I feel a little renewed that quality is coming back and in full force.
This particular one seems like a given but unfortunately, time (or money) has not allowed me to participate in many social hangouts. I’ve done marathons of Darkwing Duck, Duck Tales, and hopefully Tales Spin at some point. Some parties have been fun and meeting new people can be decent. Plus, it’s always good to get second opinions about issues, women, and work that plagued (that’s a strong word) my life so.
Some people may not care about this one but hey, these screenings are free. Admittedly, there’s a bunch of crap that you have to sift through, but every now and then a gem does come along. Look up “The Expendables” and “The Fighter.” I guarantee you will not be disappointed. I guess the only price to pay for these screenings is the restriction of cell phones and filling out questionnaires afterwards.
This is probably my favorite thing that goes on in my life. I went to Universal with friends and ended up in a Korean karaoke bar that night. I went to the Getty and ended up in Burbank that night. I went to BJ’s with friends and we got lost finding trying to find our way home. It ultimately made us stumbled across a bar that looked like a saloon; naturally we had to explore it. Drinking games that transpires during the last season of 24 and the fact that drinking is good when having to be a neutral party in issues. I think my favorite was when a friend of mine coached me on how to drink Patron.

Five Things That Suck
I’ve grown accustomed to all the perks of being a student. The discounts, the connects, and the priority was something that seemed necessary that accompanies the title. When that well dries up, you feel it pretty fast. It also sucks that I will not be able to start a new semester with new potential love interests. I actually have to go out in the real world now. Lame…
I work on campus. I’m a Data Analyst Assistant whose temporary job is almost up. That means I have to update the resume and look for a new job. There are a couple potential things I’m looking at. The worst case scenario is me moving back to LA. Nooo!!!!
I could talk about my terrible homeowner for a hour. Let’s just say he isn’t really good.
To make a long story short, my dad always tells me to be nice to my sister and her friends. There will be some point in time when she’ll have a friend that you’ll be interested in. When that rolls around, you’ll want her as an ally. The theory makes sense. One problem: She does not have cute friends. I’ll admit that I wasn’t too pleasant (there was no incentive to be) with her choice of friends during high school but for the most part in our college years, I’ve been civil to them. In almost a decade, there hasn’t been anyone that you would look at twice…until now. My sis graduated last weekend and one of her friends that supported her was pretty cute. Guess what….she doesn’t live in this country. Lame. I’ve always had this theory that my sis...oh never mind…
Rent, phone, credit card, and in six months…the bank. Any questions?

Friday, April 3, 2009

And Another One Bites The Dust...

I think I'm starting to lose my mind a little bit. It has come to my attention that another acquaintance that I have known for a while is married and is expecting. It seems like more and more people (close to my age) are getting married or is having babies.

A friend of mine who was advocating celibacy is now having a child out of wedlock. Every time I hang out with the dude, I try to be supportive as I can possibly be. I constantly think about the thought process that is going through his head. His life is OVER. That sounded harsh...let me rephrase. His personal life is over. His sole purpose now is to feed, care, and love his newborn to death. I know he'll be good as a father, it's just going to be at the expense of his personal life. He can no longer not have a care in the world. I worry about people who get hitched this early because the majority of those early marriages never last. I don't want to sound like a broken record when I say that when marriage comes along for me, I want to get it the right the first time. But when you have a kid, it's almost like your relationship with your partner turns into an obligation. I know I went on a tangent just now, but this is what's going on in my head.

It's funny, I know it's only a matter of time before all of us gets hitched. I was hanging out with some friends as usual and I came to a realization. When all of us gets married, these "get-together's" will be nonexistent. Does it have to be that way? Some people I talk to about this says that it's inevitable. I shouldn't run away from it, instead, I should embrace it.

Food for thought...

Calendar Changes??

A couple of weeks ago, I was in a theatre class listening to a lecture about the different types of theatre in different periods of time. The lecture was dull as usual but there was something he said that made my ears perk up a little bit.

"The history of Eastern theatre is traced back to 1000 BCE with dramas of ancient Indian theatre."

I raised my hand. "Professor...what's BCE?"

"Before the Common Era."

"Did that replace B.C.?"

"I don't know."

The professor resumed his lecture. I look at the person sitting next to me and she shrugs her shoulders. When did this change happen? How long was this change in effect? It might even be a personal use of terminology made by the professor. I decided to do a little bit more research into this.

I wiki'ed the hell out of time periods and calendars. I discovered CE meant "common era" and BCE meant "before common era." These terms have been here even before I was born. I naturally thought it was a replacement term that atheists wanted to use, but it went a little deeper than that. Below is a small sample I've cut from Wikipedia about its origin:

The year numbering system for the Common Era was devised by the monk Dionysius Exiguus in the year 525 to replace the Diocletian years, because he did not wish to continue the memory of a tyrant who persecuted Christians.[15] He attempted to number years from an event he referred to as the Incarnation of Jesus[15] although scholars today generally believe that Jesus was born before AD 1.[16][17] Dionysius labeled the column of the Easter table in which he introduced the new era "Anni Domini Nostri Jesu Christi"[18] Numbering years in this manner became more widespread with its usage by Bede in England in 731. Bede also introduced the practice of dating years before the supposed year of birth[19] of Jesus, and the practice of not using a year zero.[20] In 1422, Portugal became the last Western European country to switch to the system begun by Dionysius.[21]

Because I've been to Christian private schools for the majority of my life, I thought that would be the reason why I have never heard about those new terms. It's like 'BC' and 'AD' were hard-wired in my brain. Anyway, hope you guys learned something new. If this was common sense...cut me some slack. :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

she never saw me again...

she thought i was mysterious
she got curious
she talked to me and gave me her number
she told me i could trust her
she said she liked me
she said she was my girl
she tried to get close
she turned to me for comfort
she told me she loved me
she wanted my burdens
she told me to call and she'll come running
she told me she's there
she told me that she knows i dont trust her
she spends the night
she was able to get through to me
she was happy
she was sad when we broke up
she saw me a year later
she asked if she got too close the last time
she teared up when i said yes
she looked at me one last time
she walked away
she never saw me again